Example: DSM-CC Datagram (IP network)

# dvbsnoop -nph 4240 
dvbsnoop V1.4.46 -- http://dvbsnoop.sourceforge.net/ 

SECT-Packet: 00000238   PID: 4240 (0x1090), Length: 336 (0x0150)
Time received: Mon 2006-09-04  18:08:24.017
PID:  4240 (0x1090)
Guess table from table id...
DSM-CC DATAGRAM-decoding....
Table_ID: 62 (0x3e)  [= DSM-CC - private data section  // DVB datagram]
section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01)
private_indicator: 0 (0x00)
reserved_1: 3 (0x03)
Section_length: 333 (0x014d)
MACaddrbyte/DevicdID 6: 2 (0x02)
MACaddrbyte/DeviceID 5: 6 (0x06)
reserved_2: 3 (0x03)
payload_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= unscrambled]
address_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= unscrambled]
LLC_SNAP_flag: 0 (0x00)
current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= valid now]
Section_number: 0 (0x00)
Last_Section_number: 0 (0x00)
MACaddrbyte/DeviceID 4: 64 (0x40)
MACaddrbyte/DeviceID 3: 94 (0x5e)
MACaddrbyte/DeviceID 2: 0 (0x00)
MACaddrbyte/DeviceID 1: 1 (0x01) => MAC-Address/DeviceID: 01:00:5e:40:06:02

    Version: 4 (0x04)
    IP header length: 5 (0x05)
    Type of service: 0 (0x00)
    Total length: 320 (0x0140)
    Identification: 27961 (0x6d39)
    Reserved: 0 (0x00)
    DF: 1 (0x01)
    MF: 0 (0x00)
    Fragment offset: 0 (0x0000)
    Time to live: 15 (0x0f)
    Protocol: 17 (0x11)
    Header checksum: 24540 (0x5fdc)
    Source address: ac16073f [=]
    Destination address: e4400602 [=]

        Source port: 46721 (0xb681)
        Destination port: 2513 (0x09d1)
        Length: 300 (0x012c)
        Checksum: 22224 (0x56d0)
              0000:  03 17 01 24 00 01 00 24  49 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74   ...$...$Internet
              0010:  20 76 69 61 20 53 61 74  65 6c 6c 69 74 65 20 54    via Satellite T
              0020:  72 61 6e 73 70 6f 6e 64  65 72 20 31 00 00 03 e8   ransponder 1....
              0030:  00 14 00 00 db 4d 00 00  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 5d   .....M....#...k]
              0040:  d2 c5 00 00 00 08 23 f0  d5 a9 6b 5e ce 80 00 00   ......#...k^....
              0050:  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 65  c2 8e 00 00 00 08 23 f0   ..#...ke......#.
              0060:  d5 a9 6b 66 d6 2e 00 00  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 51   ..kf......#...kQ
              0070:  c3 69 00 00 00 08 23 f0  d5 a9 6b 67 cf 5b 00 00   .i....#...kg.[..
              0080:  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 47  d0 35 00 00 00 08 23 f0   ..#...kG.5....#.
              0090:  d5 a9 6b 52 c5 1d 00 00  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 48   ..kR......#...kH
              00a0:  db 4d 00 00 00 08 23 f0  d5 a9 6b 53 cd a6 00 00   .M....#...kS....
              00b0:  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 3d  c7 ad 00 00 00 08 23 f0   ..#...k=......#.
              00c0:  d5 a9 6b 49 c5 f8 00 00  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 3e   ..kI......#...k>
              00d0:  cd a6 00 00 00 08 23 f0  d5 a9 6b 54 d5 54 00 00   ......#...kT.T..
              00e0:  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 5b  cb 17 00 00 00 08 23 f0   ..#...k[......#.
              00f0:  d5 a9 6b 4a c5 1d 00 00  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 3f   ..kJ......#...k?
              0100:  c5 1d 00 00 00 08 23 f0  d5 a9 6b 5c d1 10 00 00   ......#...k\....
              0110:  00 08 23 f0 d5 a9 6b 40  d2 c5 00 00 00 08 23 f0   ..#...k@......#.
              0120:  d5 a9 6b 68                                        ..kh

CRC: 4169333125 (0xf882f985)
